''' 3spiros.bas '' Mindless simple Eye Candy cls rect 0,0,xmax,ymax color 0 filled dim x(12):dim x1(12) dim y(12):dim y1(12) a=xmax/4-10:j=5 d=xmax/2: e=xmax/4: f=xmax*3/4 for i=0 to 11 t=cos(i*2*pi/12) x(i)=t*a: x1(i)=t*12 t=sin(i*2*pi/12) y(i)=t*a: y1(i)=t*12 circle x1(b)+d,y1(b)+d-18,1 color 15 filled next at xmax/2-txtw("5")/2, ymax/2-18-txth("5")/2 : color 7,0 : ? "5"; for i=0 to 4 for a=11 to 0 step -1 for b=11 to 0 step -1 circle x1(b)+d,y1(b)+d-18,1 color a+2 filled line x(a)+e,y(a)+e,x(b)+e,y(b)+e color a+2 line x(a)+f,y(a)+e,x(b)+f,y(b)+e color b+2 line x(a)+d,y(a)+f,x(b)+d,y(b)+f color i+a+1 next : next j=j-1 at xmax/2-txtw("8")/2, ymax/2-18-txth("8")/2 color 7,0 : ? j; next for a=11 to 0 step -1 for b=11 to 0 step -1 line x(a)+e,y(a)+e,x(b)+e,y(b)+e color 0 line x(a)+f,y(a)+e,x(b)+f,y(b)+e color 0 line x(a)+d,y(a)+f,x(b)+d,y(b)+f color 0 next : next cls '